Stress, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is “a state of mental or emotional tension resulting from adverse of very demanding circumstances.” Often stress results in a feeling of powerlessness or depression that can spiral out of control and leave people feeling stuck and immobilized to change their current situations. It can be expressed in terms of personal insecurities, guild, negative thoughts or general, non-specific worry. Regardless of the source, it is also one of the highest risk factors for cancer and a shortened life span.

Unfortunately, there is no “one size fits all” solution for managing stress. That said, here are some tips and suggestions you can use to reduce stress and heal your life:

  1. Get healthy. Quit smoking. Reduce drinking. Avoid junk food.
  2. Use music (singing, listening, playing) as therapy.
  3. Walk and exercise more. Make it a daily habit.
  4. Reach out to others. Talk to trusted colleagues, friends, family members or a professional counselor.
  5. Do volunteer work.
  6. Learn to say “no” to people and activities that are toxic for you.
  7. Learn to adapt. Flexibility is key. Put things in perspective.
  8. Make time for fun and relaxation. Laugh, engage, and live audaciously.